Created by and for the region's artist communities, La Fabrique Pola is a shared asset. It is as much a large-scale cultural facility dedicated to the public as it is a space devoted to the professional structuring of the visual arts sector, based on the values of the social economy.
After years of committed nomadism, it's from its new home on Bordeaux's right bank that the Fabrique Pola is making a lasting investment in its relationship with the area it inhabits, and is committed to working with its residents to encourage art to become part of everyone's daily life, or "art not separate from experience".
The Fabrique Pola is a dynamic cooperative arrangement that draws on the skills and know-how of cultural organisations and artist-authors to jointly build a professional resource and create a shared range of services in the areas of information, advice, training and support in the field. The cooperation processes initiated and led by the Fabrique Pola team are at the heart of all its activities.
Programa honek Euskadiko eta Akitania Berriko sortzaileen mugikortasuna bultzatzen du, eta Euroeskualdeko sorkuntza ekosistema garatzen laguntzea du xede. Bitamine Faktoriak Garapen eta Fabrique Pola eragileekin batera elkarlanean dihardu.