Centro Huarte – Uharte Zentroa
Since the beginning of 2022, the Huarte Contemporary Art Centre Foundation, with its board of trustees at the head, has carried out a process of internal reflection after which it has drawn up a document of lines and objectives that has served as a guide for the drafting of the new management project. Both documents reflect the impulse that between 2016 and 2022 has transformed the Huarte Centre into a space dedicated to artistic production and a place of resources for the contemporary art community in Navarre, and based on this same document the new management project proposes pruning and shaping the programme, as if it were a plant, to guarantee healthy and sustainable growth. This plant, with its rhizomatic stem, has grown over the last six years, characterised by its horizontality and by having generated a great explosion of activity. Now, therefore, it is a question of cutting some stems so that others can grow stronger, taking care of the people and the processes and relationships they have in the Centre. In short, the aim is to consolidate, consolidate and consolidate all those lines of programming aimed at strengthening and attending to the artistic community.
With this context that has been generated, in which the horizontal, relational and community aspects are at the centre and cross all the areas of work, it is possible to cover more and more segments of the value chain and guarantee a greater route and development of the projects and processes that take place at the Huarte Centre. To this end, a special effort will be made in artistic mediation and education, methodologies that will allow these processes to be socialised and shared with other agents and communities that complement them and vice versa, in a back and forth flow of knowledge and favouring learning processes that build a more critical citizenship.
KBK #1
Mugakide mugaz gaindiko lankidetzarako sarea 2015ean sortu zen Bidasoaldeko arte- eta kultura-egituraren komunikazioa eta sustapena indartzeko xedearekin,Bitamine Faktoria sormen eta kultur ekoizpen lantegia (Irun) eta NEKaTOENEa Résidence d’artistes (Hendaia) eragileek bultzatuta.
Azken urtean zehar mugaz gaindiko sinergiak sustatzen jarraitzeaz gain, asmo handiko erronka bati heldu diogu: argitalpen bat gauzatzea, muga bera eta honek adierazten duen oro hizpide dituena. Proiektu honi ekiteko, bi aldeetako kultura eta arte esparruko profesionalek osatutako lantalde bat eratu da.
Egun, zoritxarrez gizarte-politika askok atzerakada prozesu bat pairatu dute, edonon mugak sortuz. Muga hauek baldintzatzen gaituzte, baita baztertu eta banandu ere. Hastapenetik gure misioa argi eta garbi mugaz gaindikoa eta kulturanitza izan da, elkarlanerako eta sarean lan egiteko joera izan duelarik.
Guztiok gara Kontrabandistak.
info: www.kbk.land
KBK #2
Juan Aizpitarte - Oier Gil Zapirain - François Loustau (La Maison) - Kunsthal - Jorge Marín - Alban Morlot (Spacejunk) - Nausica Sánchez (Ezmugak) - Natacha Sansoz
Bazkidea Nafarroan
Huarte Arte Garaikideko Zentroa - Centro de Arte Contemporáneo
Erakunde hauen laguntzarekin
Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Kutxa Fundazioa - Akitania Berria-Euskadi-Nafarroa euroeskualdea
Gobierno Vasco - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Kutxa Fundazioa - Eurorregión Nueva Aquitania-Euskadi-Navarra
Gouvernement basque - Députation Forale du Guipuscoa - Eurorégion Nouvelle Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre
Esker ona
Gaueko laneko bidaide mugalariak
Compañeros/as de viaje en el gaueko lana