This research and action project has been developed in tandem with the anthropologist and historian María José Noain and Bitamine Faktoria as an artistic collective. It was awarded a Ribera Grant from the Irun City Council. These grants are aimed at activating a permanent framework in the field of human sciences and art for projects whose object of study is the border territory, especially the Bidasoa river and its surroundings.
The participation of the community has been fundamental during the nine-month-long process of mapping the emotions linked to the Bidasoa region. Research and action have focused on interaction with local inhabitants through surveys, personal and group interviews, actions in the public space and workshops with primary school children.
In this way, the bibliographic research has been enriched with the collection of oral testimonies and personal perception about the river both in its symbolic and plastic dimension. The end result is a timeless polyhedral story in the form of a fold-out map that reflects the emotions shared by citizens. All in all, an artistic creation inspired by an active research into the emotional cartography of Bidasoa.

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Research project
Artistic residencies / New approaches
The initiative to review the programmes of aid for creation organised by Bitamine Faktoria over the last 10 years arose shortly after the period of pandemics, confinements and limitations on many of the freedoms we had enjoyed until then.
It is true that the new present had changed as a consequence of the events. The economy had been affected, many families had lost loved ones, the routine and changing restrictions we faced on a daily basis made us feel lost and hopeless. But also, people had changed. Many of us have taken advantage of this hiatus to slow down, reflect, analyse, blame ourselves, accept that sometimes we lose and even take away burdensome duties. To question our objectives and look for answers.
Continuing with the model we had proposed until then in our structure was irresponsible. And the answers would not appear on their own, they had to be sought.
Within this framework, a long task was planned, with concrete phases, articulated with each other and consecutive in time.
A research project was launched in November 2021 to find out the state of the artistic and cultural sector in the Basque Country, and it was carried out throughout 2022.
Many people have been involved in the work process, which has been an invaluable source of knowledge, and it is thanks to all of them that we can now share these results, which I sincerely hope will be useful and fruitful for the sector.
Download the research
Design: Estudio Moriskette